1x37 (18/12/6/1) - Steel Wire Rope

Product Details

1×37 galvanised steel spiral strand is a very popular construction, mainly used in the leisure sector for zip lines. 1×37’s excellent breaking load capacity along with its smooth surface increases both speed and smoothness when used in a zip line application.


  • Zip Lines
  • Large-scale Field Structure Parts
  • Suspension Cables
  • Guy Wires

Breaking Loads

Nominal Diameter Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Loads
1770 Mpa
[mm] [kg/m] [kN] [Kg]
4 0.071 13.50 1.377
4.5 0.099 18.85 1.923
5 0.114 21.86 2.230
5.5 0.149 28.54 2.912
6 0.169 32.23 3.288
6.5 0.189 36.15 3.688
7 0.283 44.61 4.551
8 0.309 59.00 6.018
9 0.395 75.40 7.691
10 0.458 87.44 8.919
11 0.561 107.18 10.933
12 0.675 128.94 13.152
13 0.799 152.69 15.575
14 0.934 178.46 18.203
15 1.030 196.75 20.069
16 1.235 236.00 24.073
18 1.518 290.10 29.591
20 1.896 362.38 36.963
22 2.317 442.69 45.155
24 2.699 515.75 52.607
26 3.196 610.78 62.300
28 3.757 713.84 72.812
29 4.021 768.38 78.375
30 4.317 824.93 84.143