6x36 (14/7+7/7/1) Compacted- IWRC

Product Details

6×36 Compacted is a flexible general engineering wire rope readily available in galvanised, ungalvanised and marine grade stainless steel. The wire rope has an equal lay construction (warrington seale) and achieves a superior breaking load to the 6×19 construction range. The construction has been designed to give a flexible rope with a good fatigue life. A 6×36 wire rope is available with either FC (fibre core) or IWRC (independent wire rope core) and is used for a wide range of applications, examples of which are shown below:


  • Holding and closing ropes for grab cranes
  • General engineering applications
  • Wire rope slings
  • Winch ropes
  • Crane ropes
  • Hoist rope
  • Wire rope rigging applications
  • Lifeboat falls
  • Luffing ropes
  • Pursing wires
  • Mooring ropes
  • Tow ropes

Breaking Loads

Nominal Diameter Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Loads
1770 Mpa 1960 Mpa 2160 Mpa
[mm] [kg/m] [kN] [kN] [kN]
12  0.683 112 124 131
13  0.792 131 147 157
14  0.930 153 169 183
15 1.06 176 194 208
16 1.19 198 219 237
18 1.52 250 277 298
19 1.68 275 305 329
20 1.85 307 340 368
22 2.26 370 410 441
24 2.74 447 492 540
25 2.93 481 532 576
26 3.14 520 581 622
28 3.68 604 663 722
30 4.21 689 763 831
32 4.75 777 861 949
34 5.45 891 980 1070
35 5.71 933 1033 1131
36 6.09 992 1099 1192